mysql - mysql code - mysql usage

How to use MySQL syntax inside PHP script

7 Reasons To Learn MySQL For Web Programming

So, you are going to learn web programming. Yet, you don’t know which program you should use. Then, you find many websites and references that talk about MySQL. And, you wonder why you should learn MySQL? Those are several questions that commo ...


6 Tips To Learn MySQL And PHP For Beginner

Do you plan to learn MySQL and PHP for web programming? You have made a great plan. They are necessary components that many web developers use these days. Now, if you started learning, here are several tips for using PHP programming with MySQL. [ads ...


4 Ways to Optimize MySQL Database

Database optimization is a way to improve performance. You will make an effort to improve the data structure, index, and query. In an optimization process, speed from a transaction becomes a repair focus. Thus, an optimization process is crucial beca ...


What Is MySQL: The Definition and Functions

MySQL is an open-source system of database management using basic commands or a programming language with structured query language. It is fairly popular in the technology world. MySQL is useful as a database. It has been used by more than 60 million ...


The usage of if and else in MYSQL and PHP

Hallo friends of Tatamedia, web developer in Surabaya and Bali.Now we will learn about the usage of if in mysql, so the query can be shortened. Generally, if in mysql has a form as follows: IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false) where:condit ...


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